I swear this state is becoming more and more insane. I thought getting rid of Jebbie might at least slow the regression down a bit but it hasn't seemed to make a difference.
Here's some of the proposed budget cuts because the idiots in Tallahassee won't make a real effort to reform our tax system.
A House budget proposal set for formal release Sunday provides a first glance at the depth and scope of the cuts the Legislature will consider for human services, the second largest area of the state's operating budget behind education.
The plan calls for stripping $1-billion from the human services budget for 2008-09, as part of the House plan to cope with a $2.5-billion drop in state revenue. Also lost will be significant federal matching dollars.
Among the House's key targets are optional programs under Medicaid, the health care program for poor residents under 65, including children and the disabled who cannot otherwise afford coverage.
The Department of Children and Families would lose about 700 full-time jobs. Proposed cuts include a 5 percent reduction to sheriffs in seven counties who handle child abuse investigations, including Pinellas, Pasco and Hillsborough. Critics predicted caseloads will rise and take longer to complete.
The good news though is that they managed to keep
a sales tax exemption for ostrich feed along with other special interest tax breaks. :sarcasm: