If you live in Florida, especially if you live in the greater Tallahassee area, and read "The Tallahassee Democrat" ( ), please consider joining the fray there on their opinion pages, forums, blogs, etc.
While Tallahassee is a pretty blue speck in a swirling sea of ruby red shite, you would never know this from the posters on that site. The racism, stupidity, lies, ignorance, and downright meanness displayed daily on a site that used to have some balance is driving me mad! Recently, the site was completely overhauled and required a new sign in - the whole works. It acts much differently than the old site and many of the old posters haven't shown up and the ones that do are all so far to the right that you'd think you were at There are a group of redmeat posters who dominate the comments sections and then another group that dominate the forums section. The few moderates, progressives, and liberals who do manage to post are basically shouted out of contention every single day. An encouraging sign is that most of posts from the latter get MOST of the recommendations, but not always. This means that people are definitely reading, but choosing not to make their opinions known.
While I'm there frequently, I don't feel I'm knowledgeable enough to hold my own with many of them, but with many voices we can prove that we have the better answers and are on the right side of the issues.
So if you're of a mind to do so and have a little extra time (and even if you don't) please consider helping out and show the world what Tallahassee really is made of!