I came across an old 2003 article talking about an interesting group and the article was an excellent piece of reporting. It's worth digging up in the archives. The organization definitely reads like a good ole boy network, but this one appears to be unique because the organization "evolved." The organization had its hey day from about 2001 to 2003 when it was lobbying for free government money to build charter schools. But once the schools were built, it looks like the power hitters moved on and left the work of administration and teaching for others more committed to the job. Not a bad arrangement, but I am surprised by how it all worked out. Here are excerpts, and I was just wondering if any Osceol@ County DUer knows if this group moved onto bigger and better things as a group, or did they go their separate ways?
Here is an excerpt:
Orlando Sentinel - Orlando, Fla. Date: Dec 22, 2003
Charter leader focuses on deals, not classes, A8
<snip> Where other school foundations merely raise money, this one is building schools. Its board consists of people who see the need -- developers, educators and tourism executives, for example -- and big shots who can get it done.
"Osce*la's a close-knit community," he explained. "We have probably a unique situation with the willingness to work together to benefit kids."
On the agenda was an item to authorize millions in tax-free, government-backed bonds to build charter schools.
Speaking first, authority board member Jeff P@shley noted that he worked for Av@tar, which donated the land for the charter school. His business partner, Tony I*rio, serves on the foundation's board. P@shley saw no conflict.
"I've kind of convinced myself that this is all acceptable practice," said P@shley, an Av@tar vice president. "I have to ask myself, `Supposing you weren't there, Jeff.' What difference would it have made? The answer is absolutely none.
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Anyways, if you live in the County, it is an interesting article. If you read it and have any additional information about the organization or its early members, I'd be interested in the information. Just PM me.