He's one of our most solid election integrity activists. Email--
The time for filing has arrived. We have not raised enough money to stay in this race unless we can get support from you today. Two weeks ago we needed $10,000 to stay in this race. We now need only $2000. Without your help, we will have to withdraw from the primary.
Contributors we have counted on before have been intimidated by Kosmas and the party insiders. That means that a party puppet that will not support our values may have a clear path at going against Feeney in the General. Our values will not be fulfilled. Millionaires, the Chamber of Commerce, insurance companies, and developers already have enough representation in Congress.
There are some that are mesmerized by the dollars and those that believe the DC insiders know better of our needs and values than we do ourselves. I am thankful to all of you that have stayed with me and I promise you that when I am elected I will not knuckle under to a Democratic leadership that has shown little ability to pursue what we elected them to do. Democrats need to start acting like Democrats!
I will help build the coalition that will stop the funding of the war. I will pass the bill that sets up a prototype V-diesel plant in Central Florida that will begin this country's road to energy independence (reducing your fuel cost down to less than 72 cents per gallon) AND bring jobs to this area. I will crush all free trade agreements that do not enforce labor and environmental standards and places American jobs at a disadvantage. Just as importantly I will end this non-partisan drive within the Democratic party that has resulted in our Democratic Congress continuing with the Bush agenda.
Recent polling has shown that we are the only candidate that has a chance to beat Feeney in the General. It also demonstrated that except for political insiders Kosmas has no support in District 24.
Please donate whatever amount you can to make our values reality. What we, as Democrats stand for, is in your hands.
Donations can be made on-line at --- www.ClintCurtis.com or by mail at P.O. Box 1456, Titusville FL 32780.
Polling Results As Of 4-15-08
Democrat Primary Voters Bhola, Gaurav "Garv" (D) 5% Ron Bobay (D) 7% Curtis, Clint (D 62% Feeney, Tom (R) 0% Kosmas, Suzanne (D) 18% Undecided 8%
Republican Primary Voters Bhola, Gaurav "Garv" (D) 0% Ron Bobay (D) 0% Curtis, Clint (D 13% Feeney, Tom (R) 77% Kosmas, Suzanne (D) 2% Undecided 8%
NPA Primary Voters Bhola, Gaurav "Garv" (D) 0% Ron Bobay (D) 0% Curtis, Clint (D 0% Feeney, Tom (R) 0% Kosmas, Suzanne (D) 0% Undecided 0%
General Election Voters Curtis, Clint (D 47% Feeney, Tom (R) 39% Undecided 14%
General Election Voters Feeney, Tom (R) 53% Kosmas, Suzanne (D) 31% Undecided 16%