I present to you an introduction to
Doug Tudor, your Democratic candidate for the US House of Representatives,
FL-12. In case you are wondering, the seat is currently inhabited by the (Bush) Bully's little helper,
Adam Putnam. Putnam basically exists...how do I put this nicely...to cater to the Bush Administration's needs, no matter how humiliating and subservient they may be.
Tudor is a retired Master Chief Yeoman from the United States Navy, and his wife is serving active duty as an Air Force Technical Sergeant. For more on Doug Tudor's military bio,
visit here.

I saw Tudor speak a month ago at a Democratic meetup for I-4 corridor Democrats in Central Florida. Tudor is very knowledgeable and straightforward when he speaks, and he is unashamed to stand up for progressive principles, such as getting out of Iraq, universal healthcare, and making America #1 in education again. He also, in response to a question asserting that illegal immigrants were taking our jobs, called that kind of question out as a Republican-inspired wedge issue and as "race baiting", so he's not afraid to call them as he sees them. He is a member of DFA, and went to their candidate school.
He is running against one of the most despicable of Republicans: a Bush lackey who is
afraid to stand up for our troops, who
calls his own base rednecks,
spreads false rumors about Nanci Pelosi, and, according to Doug, votes with Bush over 98% of the time. Putnam is just 33 years old, and he has already ascended to the highest echelons of the Republican minority in the House (
he now ranks a whopping third) -- probably because he is so adept at serving large corporations at the expense of the average American citizen and Floridian. Putnam himself has
increased his personal wealth tenfold since being elected to office, and as of today, has even more than the $12 million he amassed by 2006. Clearly, Adam Putnam only knows how to look after the constituency of Adam Putnam.
Doug Tudor is a family man with three wonderful children. He is one of us, with "us" meaning
all of the people in FL-12. Adam Putnam is a Washington politician, bent on destroying the life of the everyday citizen for corporate greed. Take some time to
donate to Doug Tudor!! Doug needs donations to get his campaign off the ground. This district voted for Bush by 16 points in 2004, but people here are fed up. According to Doug, the Putnam campaign is already push-polling and asking constituents if they would vote for Putnam or an generic retired Naval officer. And as Doug said about this (paraphrased because my memory isn't so good tonight), "you know you are getting close to the target if you can feel the flak". Doug needs to become a viable enough candidate for the big money donors like the unions and the DCCC to step in and help him out, but if the Kos community wants to make him a Fighting Dem and help him get started, we could give the House's third ranking Republican a good scare -- and who knows this year, maybe even send him packing.

And here is Doug's fundraising message to all Florida voters, especially those in Polk and Hillsborough counties:
I hope this short note finds you doing well. Our campaign to unseat Adam Putnam in Florida's 12th District is gaining momentum, and I need your help to get us to the next level. This is an urgent request for urgent action on your part! The request is not hard, and it will not take much of your time. Your willingness to help, though, will reap great rewards for our grassroots campaign.
I would like you to join with me in an effort I've dubbed "Ten for Tudor." Simply put, please draft a short email asking nine of your friends to consider supporting my candidacy for the U.S. House of Representatives. When you do so, please include why you support me, why you think Adam is the wrong choice, and ask your friends to go to www.teamtudor.org/contribute.asp to donate $20.08. If any of your friends have questions, please ask them to call or email me.
There are 423 people receiving this email. If we were to garner the support of two of your nine email recipients, our campaign would garner $25,481.52. If you're doing the math, you'll see that amount is actually the product of 423 X $60.24. That's because I'm asking you to also contribute $20.08 yourself. You are Number One of your "Ten for Tudor." Please go to www.teamtudor.org/contribute.asp and make your contribution today.
I know that many of you have contributed already; I'm asking you to do so again. In normal times, humility would not allow me to make this request, but we both know that our country faces too many challenges to shy away now.
The one and only way I can return Washington's power to you, its rightful owner, is with your help. Together we can sweep Adam Putnam from office and send a working man to represent working families. I promise to be a voice for middle class Americans, and not an echo of Wall Street Republicans. I promise to be a voice for our nation's military heroes and veterans, and not an echo of "Stay the Course" endless war. I will be a voice for America's workers and not an echo of corporate robber barons. With your help, we can have a government that works for us - one in which we can trust and one in which we can be proud.
Want to make sure this "Ten for Tudor" campaign is even more effective? Instead of emailing nine people, call two and write the other seven. Voice-to-voice communication nearly assures you that your friend will act on your request. I know you know this, because so many of you have positively and energetically responded to my fundraising phone calls.
Please ACT NOW and join us in making "Ten for Tudor" a success. Nothing scares Adam Putnam more than the idea of concerned, informed, and active citizens. Nothing excites me more!
Thank you for your help in this urgent fundraising request. I am humbled by your support, and I promise to make you proud.
Your brother, Doug
Doug Tudor for Congress
P.O. Box 1220
Riverview, FL 33568-1220
Home: (813) 741-1103
Cell: (813) 787-1408
Fax: (813) 412-5855
http://www.teamtudor.orgSo I just need to find two of you on here to give $20.08 to Doug, to give him a chance against the dispicable Adam Putnam. Of course, if you want to give more, or forward this to some of your friends, that's all the better!