The following are his top issues priorities according to his website:
Homeownership and the Foreclosure Crisis: In response to the housing and mortgage crisis, Congressman Wexler and his colleagues on the Financial Services Committee have acted to help homeowners facing foreclosure and make US businessees more accountable to shareholders and consumers.
Homeowners' Insurance Homeowners' Insurance: Congressman Wexler believes that the federal government must take action to assist Florida homeowners faced with rising insurance costs and an increasing number of insurance policy cancellations.
Economic Prosperity Economic Prosperity: Congressman Wexler supports efforts to produce an economic stimulus package that includes seniors and others in our community in order to put money back in the hands of the people and help middle class families get ahead.
Fiscal Responsibility in the Face of the Bush Deficit Fiscal Responsibility in the Face of the Bush Deficit: Congressman Wexler urges Congress to examine all aspects of our government's fiscal and financial policies, in order to be properly positioned to pass along to our children a stronger country than the one we inherited.His record shows he walks his talk concerning the struggles of homeownership and the economic struggles of seniors. The page continues with his strong record and positions on:
Health Care and Social Security
Voting and Civil Rights
Foreign Policy
Environment and Energy
and more
press releases show his most recent successful committee work and votes on many issues critical to south Floridians.
Congressional Quarterly included him in their "50 Most Effective Legislators in Congress" for good reason. His district could only lose by voting him out because of some trumped up hysteria over his residence by the crooked Republican and the "independent" spoiler candidate.