How do I request a car pass to view a Shuttle launch?
A. Due to recent world events, NASA has suspended the issuance of car passes for Space Shuttle launch viewing from inside of the Kennedy Space Center. Bus tickets to view Space Shuttle launches are available through Delaware North Park Services at the Visitor Complex. Visitors to the Kennedy Space Center may inquire about these tickets by contacting Kennedy's Visitor Complex at (321) 449-4444 or by visiting their Web site, listed below.
+ Launch Viewing passes are always subject to unanticipated delays and changes. For updated information, please call 1 877-893-NASA (6272) for a Kennedy launch status report. For up-to-date information on the next launch, check out the NASA Launch Schedule link below.
I would do what ever you could, contact whoever you can, to get on Kennedy Space Center to view the launch. Any where along the river in Titusville or along the beach in Cape Canaveral or Cocoa Beach would be a location to view the launch. But, nothing can compare to viewing the launch from Kennedy Space Center.
I used to work at KSC and from that close you can literally FEEL the launch as the sound waves buffet your body.
Good Luck!