We need to build a theme for FL Dems to run on in the legislative and governor's races: balance and corruption.
1) We need to balance the power of the reps. They control everything and things aren't working out for Florida. We need Dems in power to help counter the power of the conservatives. Building on this, we can take a look at Charlie Crist's own statements. He said taxes would drop like a rock in his administration. They haven't. In addition, he said he'd hold education blameless if people voted to lower property taxes. Well, we've cut education funding at least once already.
2) Corruption. Speaker of the House Sansom appears to be involved in a serious quid pro quo. He has been hired by a small college in the panhandle this year, just after getting a $25M appropriation for the school - more than any other college in FL. This is just before he chided House members over pork projects. See the link. Senators Haridopolous and Lynn have also been involved in very similar quid pro quo type situations by taking posts at colleges.
http://www.tampabay.com/news/politics/state/article919001.ece#commentsAll of this put together, plus whatever the republicans hand us to run on in a couple years could help Dems make for a serious run for the governor's mansion or significantly cut into the lead they have in the House or Senate. Anyone care to hire me to help turn the Dem party around? I don't think I could do any worse than Karen Thurman and the crowd running the show right now!