DaLittle Kitty (1000+ posts) Wed Jan-14-09 10:33 PM
A Letter to Media Executives From John Russell Re: Gaza Tragedy and ABSENT Mainstream Media Coverage Updated at 10:33 PM
Go to this link and put your voice behind this effort to save innocent lives!
Can you help me with this?? The people of GAZA NEED YOUR VOICE.
While Gaza's Women and Children are being massacred, America's mainstream media are implementing a Gaza Media Blackout. :nuke:
They refuse to show the deaths, destruction and humanitarian crisis. They would rather feed us distraction!
American politicians will not act to stop the war unless the people speak out. The American people will not speak out unless they know the truth. The mainstream corporate media's unethical actions are allowing the Israeli Defense Force to kill more civilians using morally reprehensible weapons and tactics.
:think: It has been reported that the Israeli Defense Forces (misnomer) exponentially better equipped than their oppositions is using illegal weapons including white phosphorous and DIME munitions in their operations in Gaza. The numbers of civilians killed and maimed is far beyond any rational moral line.
The propaganda is becoming increasingly profane in defense of Israel. In one commercial which I watched twice on MSNBC, sponsored by the International Conference of Christians and Jews in which the sponsors were requesting financial assistance for the "beseiged" people of Israel, the video displayed, was a widely played video of PALISTINIAN casualties NOT Israelis... being taken to a hospital bleeding and wounded. :wtf: UNBELIEVABLE! :puke:
I have not seen this commercial played since. Perhaps someone with some sense pulled it! :think:
I personally called the number seeking donations and complained. J R :nuke:
This situation demands public courage as without public courage there will be no political courage! :patriot: Perhaps you do not want to hear this, but we must act as citizens to uphold our nation's heritage of fair play and this operation was never fair from the start and contrary to popular news reports was not started by the Hamas group. When it is least comfortable to speak is the time when you MOST NEED TO OPEN YOUR TRAP!!!!!!!!! :patriot: :bounce:
:think: The truth was reported by Professor Avi Schleim of Oxford University (on Democracy Now 1/14/09) widely regarded as the pre-eminent authority on the middle east conflict. He states that Israel violated the truce by venturing into Gaza and killing 6 members of Hamas to kick off this disaster while by Israeli official records the Hamas group had controlled its members holding them to 3 homemade rockets fired per month until that time... Hardly an all out assault on the Israeli population. J R
This sort of blasphemy should not be tolerated by the public. I wish that I had videotaped it to demonstrate the arrogance in displaying such a wildly distorted portrayal of the costs of this action and who is paying the PRICE! :wtf:.
Are the innocent civilian casualties of Gaza one in three a child under 15 GAZA WORTH 30 seconds of your time?? Use the below link to send a letter to big media presidents demanding an end to the Media blackout right now. We want the truth from the media!
I just sent an email via the Gaza Justice website to the media executives, it was very easy, the letter is already done, all you have to do is add your name and click send.
Please don't wait, people's lives depend on your action.
http://gazajustice.orgDon't ignore this message, it will only take you 30 seconds to sign the letter. Use the below link, please make sure you forward this alert to everyone you know.
-Thank you and May God help the innocent!
Just DOIT!
John Russell