Submitted by Scribes Cafe on Sun, 02/15/2009 - 09:13.
Lovenguth has received hundereds of emails from former democrats who having switched to the republican party during the 1990's are now returning to what was the party that actually worked and voted for them and their children; the Democrat Party. I have been saving these emails and plan on putting together an anthology for historical reference in the future. It's just an amazing read. Perhaps a working title may be, "Florida Destroyed By 27 Republicans 2009"
Since 1994 when Newt Gingricht made everyone hear his call, "the contract with America" the republican rallying chant of America; especially Florida has fallen deeply into a financial ruin. People have lost their homes, people have lost their jobs, children have lost their teachers. They've given away the St. Johns River, they have blown off the disabled veterans who have fought for you, they have pushed the elderly into private sick facilities, and they have even locked up your loved ones in what are called private prisons which are really stock market just goes on and on what these republicans have done to drain Floridians.
While billions of dollars have been passing through the republican legistature going into programs that suit their own interests, the residents of Florida have been made to suffer the pains of hunger. Sadly the newspapers and TV, the media in general tend to place the blame for this suffering on the people themselves. It's not the people but the republican elected officials who have created this economic nightmare. The people are seeing this now and returning to the party that votes for them; the Democrats.