Check out all the fun at Marco Rubio's expense on his youtube video. John Russell thinks he could use a lesson in Economics 101... Just like the rest of the republicans ehh? :rofl: :nuke:
UPDATE: Seems some of Marco's freepers alerted the watchdawg for his youtube comments and pulled John Russell's insightful commentary.
A summary of Russell's commentary on Marco was that he needed a lesson in economics 101 as he continued to push the same tired policies (non) that have destroyed both our state and national economies in the first place. Marco the agent of the establishment that he is which is a puppet in no uncertain terms is just one more klown in a long list.
Russell in citing Marco's recommendation of more tax cuts and cutting spending in a contracting economy as someone who is completely ignorant of macro-economics.
On tax cuts for the "job creators" Russell pointed out that those who are affluent are inherently risk averse and have decreased marginal propensity to consume so to lower taxes on the most affluent would be precisely the right move to make if you want to...
WORSEN A RECESSION INTO A DEPRESSION :think: Marco! :think: :crazy:
But alas young Marco only follows as do most "put-up job" republican candidates and some... dems as well lest we forget.
Russell recommended that young Marco google some noted thinkers economic e.g, Nouriel Roubini, Engdahl, Michael Hudson and Krugman... IF he really cared to understand what was going on and ho0w we ended up in such a deplorable state of affairs.
But then again our economy is a matter of perspective... Young Rubio likely as not has never been unemployed or wondered where his next meal would come from.. Hmmm?
John also recommended a visit to his website for young Marco for some insights on economics and other issues while also posting a video from John's debate w/ Brown-Waite in 2006 where John predicted the economic downturn that we are currently experiencing... our chagrin but perhaps not young Marco.
Hide the comments Marco there's gonna be alot of 'em! Haaaa!!!! :rofl: