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Republican Wingnut from New Hampshire Announces Florida Senate Bid

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Boomerang Diddle Donating Member (566 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-11-09 09:59 AM
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Republican Wingnut from New Hampshire Announces Florida Senate Bid
An already crowded race just got a little busier — and much stranger.

Former New Hampshire Sen. Bob Smith (R), has announced he will run for the Florida seat currently occupied by Mel Martinez, who is not seeking re-election. Why would a New Jersey native who transplanted to New Hampshire think he could represent Florida? The answer is, because he cares not a whit about what Floridians want. Bob is all about Bob, and Bob is so far to the right, the dial breaks off before it reaches him.
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Dappleganger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-11-09 08:14 PM
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1. Ok
Well fuck him. We have enough crazy ass NJ folks down here as it is.
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lakelandofthefree55 Donating Member (3 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-16-09 08:56 PM
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2. Another Wingnut in District 12
Straight from her husband's mouth - Lori Edwards in FL - 12 is a Republican. Fiscally VERY CONSERVATIVE? I know that a true blue progressive would probably not win here, but Obama only lost by 4 points. Plus, Lori has never run a race. She won't energize the base and she is going up against a very well liked Republican, who shunned his party in the legislature and is seen as an independent type. We need real contrast. Is is Doug Tudor? Who knows, but it is NOT Lori Edwards.

-----Original Message-----
From: D. Franklin Schultz, Ph.D. <>

Subject: Gain a Real Voice

Dearest friends and family,

As some of you may know from a recent email, my dearly beloved wife and friend, Lori, decided to run for Congress in Florida’s 12th Congressional district. While not an easy decision, it is something she is well qualified to do. For those of you who do not know Lori’s background, she was in the Florida legislature for 8 years representing district 65 as a state representative. After term limits she became the Polk County Supervisor of Elections, a post she’s held for the last 8 years.

Lori, a Democrat, has managed to be elected and re-elected in seats that are by-and-large Republican and, in fact, revert to Republican when she leaves. For some time she was the only elected county official registered as a Democrat. This is not a fluke. I think this happens because Lori represents some of the best qualities of both parties. She is fiscally very conservative, is for less-not-more government and supports small business. She also champions educ ation, veteran’s rights, minorities and the environment. Her campaigns have always emphasized gaining a personal voice in government!

Because she represents such a balanced perspective and has such an impressive win record, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in Washington D.C. has targeted her race as one of the most important races in the nation. They did this because they think she can win. And so do we!

So here’s the pitch. To win, we need a broad base of support. A Congressional seat doesn’t just represent the district that votes for it. In truth, it represents the whole United States. The decisions made by one Congressperson can have an impact across the nation. If you want someone who represents your point of view, Lori needs your support to win.&n bsp;

And, if you cannot afford to send your own money, you can assist the campaign with your20own endorsement. For those who know Lori or even me and know what she stands for, please forward this letter to any of your friends and family you think will be receptive to her message and add your own personal endorsement at the top. Ask them to help in any way possible. Remember, with six degrees of separation, even $5 will help.

Besides, it isn’t often that we get a chance to say: “Hey, you know that Congresswoman who was elected in Florida? She’s a good friend of mine and I helped her get in!”

Gain a real voice – with someone you know!

Much love and good wishes and thanks for all your support,< /span>

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