Edited on Mon May-04-09 03:05 PM by Sophree
In case you haven't heard Florida libraries are in serious trouble. If they can't come to and agreement on a funding source, our libraries will not only lose the $21 million in State funds, but will also lose Federal matching funds. Services will be cut, some libraries may have to close.
From an e-mail I received from a listserv- "We often hear legislators tell us 'Please don't call out the librarians!'" We, and other concerned Floridians, are being "called out" and I know DUers are used to writing their representatives. Please, if you have time, call or write to the people listed below.
Thanks in advance!!!
State Aid to Public Libraries In Jeopardy! - Time to Call and E- Mail! - Jt. Budget Conference Chairs can't agree on a funding source
The Joint Budget Conference Chairs could not reach agreement on a funding source for a $21,253,978 State Aid to Public Libraries appropriation. More precisely, the Senate refused to accept the House's proposal that funding be taken from the Transportation Trust Fund. At 12 noon, the issue will be "bumped" to the House Speaker and Senate President to resolve.
There is definitely good news here in that both House and Senate agreed to fund state aid, they just could not agree on how to fund it.
It's time to start calling and e-mailing again. Remember to keep the message positive and clear.
Keep the communications going until the end of business Monday or until we learn that an agreement has been reached.
The Message: Please find a way to fund State Aid to Public Libraries at $21,253,978.
Who to Contact - Everyone should contact these folks, even if you don't live in their districts. The Speaker and President are statewide office holders.
- Governor Charlie Crist - (850) 488-7146 / Charlie.Crist@myflorida.com
- House Speaker Larry Cretul - District Includes parts of Alachua, Levy, and Marion counties - larry.cretul@myfloridahouse.gov District (352) 873-873-6564 / Tallahassee (850) 488-1450
- Senate President Jeff Atwater - District includes parts of Broward and Palm Beach counties - atwater.jeff.web@flsenate.gov District (561) 625-5101 / Tallahassee (850) 487-5100