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Help.. Does anyone know what Crist is doing with SB 810 Unemployment?

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lib2DaBone Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-27-09 07:07 PM
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Help.. Does anyone know what Crist is doing with SB 810 Unemployment?
$400 Million in Federal funds already approved.. just sitting on his desk. What is he waiting for? People out here need that money. He says the economy is doing fine... arrrrgh

Today he signed the budget and claimed he did it W/O raising taxes. What about the $2.2 Billion in new taxes for Drivers license, License Plates, boat registration, Fishing licenses?

I swear... a TYPICAL Friggin' Republican. Raise fees $2.2 BILLION.. then go on TV and say he didn't raise taxes. I'd like to wipe that smile... never mind
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lib2DaBone Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-28-09 06:48 PM
Response to Original message
1. he has until June 2nd. to sign
TO: Interested Media
FROM: Erin Isaac, Governor’s Communications Director
RE: Governor Crist’s Bill Actions, May 18, 2009

Governor Charlie Crist signed the following bill today:

CS/CS HB 167 Energy-Efficient Appliance Rebate Program

Additionally, Governor Charlie Crist received the following bills today, May 18, 2009:

SB 30 Relief of Sheila and John Forehand by the City of Jacksonville
CS SB 46 Relief of Raul Otero by the South Broward Hospital District
CS SB 58 Relief of Jorge and Debbie Garcia-Bengochea and their adoptive children, Brian, Matthew, and James, by the Department of Children and Family Services
CS/CS SB 168 Florida Statewide Task Force on Human Trafficking
CS/CS SB 360 Growth Management
CS SB 522 Relief of Vincent Merriweather by the Palm Beach County School
SB 524 Relief of Joseph Fatta, Jr., and Josephine Fatta by the Broward County Sheriff’s Office
CS SB 538 Publicly Funded Retirement Programs
CS/CS SB 714 Condominiums
CS/CS SB 762 State University Tuition and Fees
CS/CS SB 810 Unemployment Compensation
CS SB 858 Drivers Licenses
CS/CS SB 1062 Unemployment Compensation

The Governor has until June 2, 2009, to act on these bills.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please call Governor Crist’s press office at (850) 488-5394.

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pipesarmiento13 Donating Member (1 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-02-09 07:27 AM
Response to Original message
2. Crist and SB810 Unemployment
What was he doing with all that Federal money for extended
unemployment benefits? Why...he was using it to help balance
Florida's budget!
Why else would I get a voice mail (after repeatedly pointing
out WHY would it take TWO friggin months to release funds) I
got a voice mail from a Mr. Regan in unemployment that his
supervisor had been told the Governor had AUTHORIZED the
release of funds AFTER July 1! Odd how that being the end of
the fiscal year and all. It is a sham and a fraud how this
went down---$400 million accrues a lot of interest real quick.
This is the same Governor who went to Lawton Chiles' widow to
ask if he could "borrow" some money from the trust
fund Gov. Chiles had set up for the state's kids to balance
Florida's budget. She wisely told the weasel "no".
Meanwhile, two and a half MONTHS after Federal funds got to
Florida for extended unemployment benefits and no money has
been given out yet. DISgraceful! 
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