Fellow Democrat:
This is an urgent request to all Democrats to please show up at the IBEW hall tonight to help support the health care bill and Alan Grayson who will be holding a town hall immediately following our monthly meeting tonight. Expect the press and probably more than a few right wing “teabagger” hecklers so please come out and support a real progressive Democrat and a worthwhile progressive cause! Over in Tampa a few weeks ago, these same hecklers gave Congresswoman Cathy Castor a really hard time so please come out and help us put a stop to that tonight. Please also forward this to all your Democratic friends!
Doug De Clue
Democratic Precinct Committeeman, Orange 311
From: Orange County Democratic Executive Committee
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 10:09 AM
To: Orange County Democratic Executive Committee
Subject: PARKING ALERT: Arrive Early at Tonight's DEC Meeting
We learned yesterday, as you may have seen in the paper, that Representative Grayson has announced a Town Hall Meeting at the IBEW immediately following our meeting. We expressed concerns about this plan and requested that at least the start time be changed to 8:00 P.M. to ease the logistical difficulties of getting our members and guests in for the DEC meeting which will occur prior to the Town Hall, however, the press release says 7:45 P.M., so please plan to ARRIVE EARLY. It will be best to arrive by 6:30 P.M. if at all possible. There will be someone manning the entrance to the IBEW parking lot, so you must tell them you are a DEC member. Persons posted at entry points will have a list of member’s names.
August 2009 General Meeting
Monday, August 17, 2009
7:00 P.M.
IBEW Local 606 Union Hall
820 Virginia Drive
Orlando, Florida 32803
Attendance at the monthly Orange County Democratic Executive Committee (OCDEC) meetings by members is a requirement of membership under our state and local bylaws.
If you find you cannot attend this meeting, please reply to this email with a copy to membership@orangedemocrats.com with the reason you will be absent.
Our meetings are on the third Monday of the month except in the event of holidays. If you believe you will have difficulty attending multiple meetings because of class or other obligations, please let us know by replying to this email. We will be happy to discuss your options, which include giving a proxy to another registered Democrat in your precinct. We need your help to achieve a quorum at every meeting. In the event you need it, a Proxy Form is attached.
If you have any other questions, please reply to this email and your question will be forwarded to the appropriate officer or committee chair for a response.
For your convenience, we have once again attached the schedule of all remaining OCDEC meetings for 2009. Please mark your calendars.
The IBEW Local 606 Union Hall (pictured below) is on the two-lane portion of Virginia between 17-92 (Mills Avenue) and Orange. It is on the south side of Virginia about two blocks west of 17-92 (Mills Avenue) just to the west of Mercury Printing.
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