The head of the Republican party in Florida had just called out Rick Scott a few weeks ago for how he was running his campaign against their party favorite, Bill McCollum.
However, the Tea Party favorite, yet again, causes the GOP machine much frustration, as the GOP favorite goes down in flames. The good thing is (hopefully) when these far-right candidates get into the general election, the majority of voters will be turned off by their extreme views and plans for America.
Scott said earlier tonight, "Remember me, the handsome bald guy?... The people of Florida have spoken, and I like what they've said. Over 1 million Floridiers... Floridians, from around the state said we're ready to turn Florida around. Let's get to work." Let's hope he doesn't do anything but waste a bunch of cash.
The AP has declared him the narrow winner over Bill McCollum, who has refused to give up until all the votes have been counted - and you might as well consider that statement on behalf of the GOP. They did not want this flawed candidate Billionaire, Rick Scott, who is connected as close as you could be to the $1.7 billion in federal fines leveled against Columbia HCA, for Medicare fraud - it is his company!
The Democratic Nominee for Governor, CFO of Florida, Alex Sink needs to come out swinging against the corruption that is - Rick Scott!
She is miles away from his far right political mindset, and Floridians better realize that Scott is a corporate candidate, and reject him soundly. The major problem is that Rick Scott will now top the $50 million he's already spent, and will probably spend well over $100 million dollars to try and buy the governor's office. Sink - Democratic candidate for Governor of Florida