SCORE EXCLUSIVE – SINK’S TURN TO SWIM: Hours after former health care executive Rick Scott claimed victory in Florida’s brutal Republican gubernatorial primary, the Florida Democratic Party is launching its general election effort for state CFO Alex Sink with a new ad blitz in select television markets. The FDP commercial, titled “Enough,” sharpens Sink’s message and features the candidate introducing herself as an honest, fresh face for state government. “My career was in business, but I’ve seen just enough of state government to know that the partisanship and special interests are even worse than you think. And I’m fed up with it. I want the wasteful spending cut, I want the corruption out the door,” Sink says. “Partisanship? I’ve got no patience for it. Special interests? Nothing special about ‘em to me. My only interests are a stronger economy, an accountable state government and being nobody’s governor but yours.”
Watch the ad: