Clinton fires up crowd in St. Pete stump speech for Meek

ST. PETERSBURG - Former President Bill Clinton told a crowd of several hundred in St. Petersburg today that U.S. Senate candidate Kendrick Meek will help Democrats retain a majority in Congress.
"The Republicans want to retake Congress. Well, let me tell you, I've seen this movie before and if it keeps going, it's going to have a really bad ending," Clinton told supporters who packed into an auditorium in the Campus Activities Center at the University of South Florida.
Clinton is visiting Florida this week to boost the Democrat's campaign as it struggles against GOP frontrunner Marco Rubio.
"He's the only person in this race who has done things to make this country safe," Clinton said of Meek.
Several high-ranking Democrats, including Karen Thurman, chairwoman of the Florida Democratic Party, warmed up the crowd, saying Meek has a record of fighting for Floridians.
"He took on the banks, he took on the oil companies and he has taken on education reform," Thurman said. "He opposed offshore oil drilling before it was popular."