I would love to vote for Meeks but I feel a vote for him is a vote for RUBIO, much like a vote for Perot was a vote for Clinton. I feel that we need to keep Rubio OUT of the Senate at all costs even if that means voting for "Independent" Crist who is a "flaming" liberal in comparison to Rubio. I work in the school district as a special needs TA. I do not want, or need, my salary or the teachers in my field tied to any FCACTS which our kids wouldn't know the difference between a napkin. One size does NOT fit all. Same for the PE, Art, Music, or French teachers. Life does not revolve around FCATS. I am happy that at least Crist recognizes this, unlike Crist. I sent my own children to PUBLIC schools (Long Island) though we were well able to afford private education.
I also detest Ribio's stance on choice issues, gay rights, immigration, etc., etc. Crist is 100% better than this right wing, religious koot, tea bagger, nut case. I fear though because he is Hispanic that he will get the vote just because of that, which unforunately, is absurd. As a woman, I would not more vote for a Palin or O'Donnell just because I am female, than cut off my right ear.
Let me also state that I do not intent to stay in the state of Florida. I am moving BACK to NY in the summer. I am far more passionate about Florida's SENATE race than the Governor's, although I do intent to vote for Sink.
The future Senator from Florida will far more affect the rest of the country. That is far more an important issue for the direction of this country than one state's Governor.