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Never forget: Marco Rubio voted to allow Jeb Bush to interfere in Terri Schiavo's privacy.

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seafan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Oct-30-10 10:52 AM
Original message
Never forget: Marco Rubio voted to allow Jeb Bush to interfere in Terri Schiavo's privacy.
And, in February of this year, Rubio brought this case up to try to damage Crist's US Senate candidacy.

At the time of this right-to-die controversy, Attorney General Crist refused to get involved in the case.

But, interestingly, Marco Rubio was only too happy to to vote for *emergency legislation* allowing Jeb Bush to invade Terri Schiavo's and her husband's privacy.

So, Mr. Rubio, let us indeed look again at this case:

CNN, Tuesday, October 28, 2003:

LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- Michael Schiavo, the man at the center of a right-to-die controversy in Florida, said Monday he believes his wife's heart failed 13 years ago as a complication of bulimia.

His wife, Terri, is in a persistent vegetative state, and he has fought to let her die in accordance with what he says are her wishes.


A Florida court ruled two weeks ago that Terri's feeding tube could be removed, and the feedings stopped. But the state legislature quickly passed a law giving the governor the right to intervene last Tuesday. Gov. Jeb Bush signed the measure and issued an executive order to reinsert Terri's feeding tube. The tube was replaced last Wednesday.


With Marco Rubio, whatever Jeb Bush wants, Jeb Bush gets.

HB 35E: Authority for the Governor to Issue a One-time Stay to Prevent the Withholding of Nutrition and Hydration from a Patient
- General Bill by Stargel
- Last Event: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 - Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2003-418

Bill Number: 0035E
Date: Monday, October 20, 2003
Reading #: 3
Barcode #:
Amend. #:
Sequence: 644
In the Chair: Byrd
Floor Actions: Passage

Y Adams Y Bullard Y Goodlette Y Llorente Y Robaina
Y Allen Y Byrd - Gottlieb N Machek - Roberson, Y.
Y Altman - Cantens Y Green - Mahon Y Ross
Y Ambler Y Carroll - Greenstein - Mayfield Y Rubio
N Anderson Y Clarke N Harper Y McInvale - Russell
N Antone Y Cretul Y Harrell Y Meadows N Ryan
Y Arza Y Culp Y Harrington Y Mealor Y Sansom
Y Attkisson - Cusack - Hasner Y Murman N Seiler
N Ausley Y Davis, D. Y Henriquez Y Murzin Y Simmons
- Baker Y Davis, M. Y Holloway Y Needelman - Slosberg
- Barreiro Y Dean Y Homan Y Negron N Smith
Y Baxley - Detert N Jennings Y Patterson N Sobel
Y Bean Y Domino Y Johnson - Paul - Sorensen
N Bendross-Mindingall Y Evers Y Jordan - Peterman Y Spratt
Y Bense Y Farkas N Joyner Y Pickens Y Stansel
- Benson - Fields - Justice - Planas Y Stargel
Y Berfield Y Fiorentino Y Kallinger Y Poppell - Sullivan
Y Bilirakis Y Galvano N Kendrick N Prieguez Y Troutman
Y Bowen N Gannon Y Kilmer - Quinones N Vana
- Brandenburg - Garcia, R. Y Kosmas Y Reagan Y Waters
Y Brown Y Gardiner Y Kottkamp - Rich N Wiles
Y Brummer N Gelber Y Kravitz N Richardson N Wishner
- Brutus N Gibson - Kyle - Ritter N Zapata
N Bucher Y Gibson, H. Y Littlefield Y Rivera

Total Yeas: 68 Total Nays: 23 Total Missed: 28 Total Votes: 91

Vote After Roll Call:
Benson 10/21/2003 03:19:35 PM
Hasner 10/28/2003 11:00:05 AM
Justice 10/21/2003 04:06:09 PM
Kyle 10/21/2003 11:21:29 AM
Paul 10/21/2003 07:53:45 AM
Quinones 10/21/2003 09:20:47 AM
Russell 10/21/2003 08:30:53 AM
Sorensen 10/29/2003 04:36:11 PM
Greenstein 10/23/2003 11:09:20 AM
Justice 10/28/2003 08:25:29 AM
Rich 11/03/2003 01:13:26 PM
Slosberg 10/23/2003 09:48:11 AM

This is yet another very serious reason that Marco Rubio must be stopped.

The right to privacy in the most personal matters in families' lives must be preserved, not ceded to radicals who will use it as a weapon against private citizens and political opponents.

And, for the record, some of the above individuals are currently on the Florida ballot next Tuesday.

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DrDan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Oct-30-10 06:32 PM
Response to Original message
1. rubio must be kept out of Washington
Edited on Sat Oct-30-10 06:33 PM by DrDan
just another bush toadie . . . . .

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ChiciB1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-31-10 12:43 PM
Response to Original message
2. Has This Been Posted On The Larger Boards? Maybe Won't Open Any
more eyes at this point in time, but I was just wondering. I wonder a lot lately!
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seafan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Oct-31-10 09:05 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Yes, posted to GD Friday night.

Scary prospect, this guy.

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2Design Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-02-10 01:38 PM
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4. just saw the orlando sentinel endorses him - repub rag
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