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Another call for the resignation of the corrupt Florida State Party Chair!! Here ye here ye!

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SugarShack Donating Member (979 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-03-10 10:39 PM
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Another call for the resignation of the corrupt Florida State Party Chair!! Here ye here ye!
"Harsh Reality"

Formal Request for Karen Thurman's Resignation

On Wednesday morning we are likely to awaken to a new reality that many of us will not quite be ready for. What was an extremist right wing legislature here in the state of Florida will be decidedly more so. What little restraint that there was on the corporate owned Tallahassee desperadoes will be gone, replaced by people of even less insight than before, who will exact a terrible toll on tall of us but especially the least among us... as if those at the bottom of the economic ladder weren't having a tough enough time already?

People charged with deciding economic policy on a macro scale who could not tell you if demand for gasoline was elastic or inelastic. People who do not understand what regressive economic policy means. People who "believe" that tax cuts for those who reside in the highest income brackets will stimulate demand, thus creating jobs.

Many of these people are not only TOTALLY OWNED, but nutz as well, in addition to being ill-prepared intellectually, ideologically bankrupt and by definition incompetent. This summation applies not only to the majority republicans, but to democrats as well in many instances. The TOTALLY OWNED part is of course completely universal, owing no allegiance of "scoundrelhood "to any one particular party.

The Florida Democratic Party

I will of course call for the resignation summarily of virtually ALL Democratic Party leaders in the state, in particular Karen Thurman, and of course Pasco Democratic Party Chairwoman Allison Morano et al. Such calls will likely once again go unheeded , as the call for a return to sanity will only result in a continuation of doing the same thing and expecting, even praying, for DIFFERENT results. I was attempting to call attend an FDP meeting to support efforts to call for Karen Thurman's ouster in 2007 when I was attacked by FDP Thug and former professional wrestler Mitch Kates... from behind no less. Here is the video. Alison Morano is of course behind it all. I had to put up w/ Debbie Wasserman Schultz endorsing Republican Incumbent Ginny Brown-Waite in 2006. Here is that story...

The CORRUPTION that serves so few and harms so many MUST be summarily brought sharply to an end. I am not the only candidate to suffer such treatment... Col Robert Bowman on the Space Coast was dealt a similar treatment orchestrated by Wasserman-Schultz and Rahm Emmanuel of dual Israeli-American citizenship fame. Certainly Karen Thurman serves her own... well! NBC's Chuck Todd WORST STATE PARTY IN AMERICA Bar NONE! Don't know about you, but I have had enough of these scoundels and miscreants!!!

Karen Thurman Show Me The Money exposes her in a denying party monies allocated to her son and then denied but also attempting to explain the monthly $3,500 check that she cashes from former Republican Party of Florida Chair, Al Cardenas' law firm. Karen Thurman MUST resign forthwith!

As Einstein most notably stated, "to expect something different when you keep repeating the same actions, is in fact the definition of insanity." Even IF Alex Sink wins, potentially providing all good people a finger in the dike figuratively speaking, the FDP is dead and gone in this state in ALL BUT South Florida. However, no finger in dike for us now, it is as bad as it can possibly get in Florida with the COMPLETE DEBACLE that has now come to fruition!

I cannot associate myself with the incompetence and corruption as the LEADERS of the Florida Democratic Party by and large are, with some few exceptions. I cannot and will not accept the BLIND FOLLOWING by so many, of such self serving morally bankrupt leaders that goes on without question. As to the exceptions, you and others know who you are, and for the most part so do I.

No matter what, I fully expect a further erosion in the Democratic caucus, making an even bad situation worse. Karen Thurman predicted the gain of 30 Fl House seats in 2010, I have the video to prove it. Here it is... JUST LISTEN to THIS! It's instructive. How many seats not only did Democrats lose, but how few do we still have???? Karen truly is in ..."Fantasyland!"

Karen Thurman MUST be removed from her position if she has NOT the sense and common decency to do so herself voluntarily. Though I shudder at who the insiders would select as her replacement... We of course have Bill "Right Wing" Nelson to thank for assigning Karen to the position in the first place, and it has been an ever accelerating slide downhill ever since. ALWAYS a corrupt process!

The reasons for the coming electoral catastrophe (which is now history) are both cavernous and of great breadth in this state. I alluded to the obvious personnel issues above to some degree. A pitiful and pathetic Democratic Party is bad for ALL Florida's citizens. The Florida Democratic Party has been what I characterize as "Purposefully Inept" for many years now.

What I have witnessed over the past decade could NOT be accidental. The FDP is quite literally an arm of the Florida Republican Party! Each election represents a new adventure in excuse making from the so called and self-described leaders of the opposition party, once alluded to by this writer as the Washington Generals as in the perennial losers to the Harlem Globetrotters.

The Florida Democratic Party serves the needs of a few select people/Schills that manage to make a living off of it (Not always an honest one at that) ,and others who derive social status from serving in unpaid status positions.

"Citizens WILL vote for corrupt and strong, but they will not vote for corrupt and weak."

The Leadership so called of the Florida Democratic Party is by any measure both corrupt... and weak. No sentient person could state publicly that they support in any manner this group of people and in particular the person residing at the pinnacle of this rotten pyramid.
Thank you. John Russell
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Freddie Stubbs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-05-10 08:08 AM
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1. Welcome to DU, Mr. Russell
It is always good to see past, current, and future candidates posting on DU.

There used to be a very overzealous supported of you who used to post here, but they seemed to be a little unstable to the point where they alienated many potential supporters and had to be banned by DU administrators.

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