child's college education.
Our I-can't-believe-he-was elected governor, Rick Scott, has gotten a bum steer. He's letting himself be manipulated on education policy by Jeb Bush. During Jeb's eight years in office, he instituted reforms that failed significantly to improve Florida schools.
During Charlie Crist's four years, Jeb plotted to remake education in his image through a number of failed draconian measures. He still thinks he's governor.
On Jeb's advice, even before Scott's been sworn into office, he's turning into "Governor-giveaway." He wants to raid the state treasury of public education funds and completely privatize public education. According to accounts in the St. Petersburg Times, Scott recently publicly touted his plan to give potentially all primary and secondary students taxpayer money from public school budgets so they can go to any school they want. But his vouchers-for-everybody plan has actually been concocted by Jeb's Foundation for Florida's Future.
Here's how the Bush/Scott plan to dismantle public education works: Every year, parents would be able to receive state funds for an Education Savings Account equal to 85 percent of the amount a student would have generated in the public school system. The current state per-pupil funding is $6,843. So, if the program were underway, parents would get $5,474 per student.,0,5338191.columnParents, teachers, students, and those without kids need to contact their legislators NOW to stop this from happening!