Today’s column looked at the latest schemes trying to overturn the Fair District votes — secret paperwork filed three weeks ago by Gov. Rick Scott and legal efforts Speaker Dean Cannon is ginning up on behalf of the House.
If you care about this, you should speak up. And while the contact info for all these folks can be pretty easily found via Google, I’ve already started getting e-mails from readers, suggesting I put it all in one place. So it follows.
But first, I had one additional tidbit that didn’t arrive in time for today’s column. After news broke that Cannon decided the State House should join the legal fight against Florida voters, I inquired who Cannon was using for legal counsel. Silly me. I thought it might be one lawyer. Turns out, you guys have hired multiple firms to help fight your vote. A spokeswoman for Cannon said the lawyers/firms involved are involved in the general redistricting efforts are: Miguel De Grandy, GrayRobinson and Latham & Watkins. And at least the first two signed the House’s legal challenge to Amendment 6.