Gov. Rick Scott is being scrutinized by law enforcement and other state workers. They claim he is breaking promises he made on the campaign trail.
In a video now circulating on YouTube, Scott responded to the question: "Do you support cutting pensions for law enforcement?"
"I have never said that I would cut pension benefits for anyone -- not state workers, not policemen, not firemen," Scott responded.
Now that he's governor, police union members are saying it seems Scott has flip-flopped.
"I'm getting a lot of calls from a lot of our members saying, 'I wish, you know, I didn't vote for the guy,'" said John Kazanjian, president of the Palm Beach County Police Benevolent Association.
This week, the governor released his plan for pension reform. The plan, in part, calls for a reduction in the annual service credit from 3 to 2 percent, which basically cuts police and firefighter retirement benefits by a third.
"It's going to be hard, because people are going to have to adjust and make tough decisions now, you know, in their budgets with their family," said Kazanjian.
Under his proposed plan, the governor aims to save the state billions. Part of these savings would also be achieved by requiring public employees, including policemen, firefighters and teachers, to contribute 5 percent of their salaries to their retirement.
"Florida is the only state where state workers don't do that, and our taxpayers cannot afford to pay for a retirement plan if state workers don't contribute," Scott goes on to say in the YouTube video.
"The politicians that we elect need to find some different avenues to take to find some revenue," said Kazanjian. "But now they're going after the pension funds to offset this deficit."
Kazanjian said the next step is to meet with the governor and try to negotiate. this will help Dems get back into office, but public workers shouldn't have to be sacrificed for that to happen! Our inept party needs to get it's crap together and win an election for the good of ALL Floridians! If you know a public worker who voted for Scott, remind them it's not in their interest to vote for Republicans!