Please share this with as many as possible. PINES, Fla. (WSVN) -- Parents, teachers and students came together Friday with a loud lesson to save teachers' jobs.
The group hopes that public outrage will lead Broward School officials to reconsider plans to cut thousands of teaching jobs in order to make up for budget cuts. They said they understand budgets are tight for school districts across Florida, but they do not understand why Palm Beach and Miami-Dade school officials can make up for the cuts without cutting teaching jobs but Broward officials cannot.
As many as 10 teachers at Pembroke Pines Silver Palms Elementary could lose their jobs as a result of the cuts. Teachers along with their students and some of those students' parents held signs and blew horns and whistles at the intersection Pines Boulevard and Northwest 155th Avenue in Pembroke Pines after class let out.
Broward school officials announced as many as 1400 recently hired teachers will be out of their jobs after the summer term. Michelle Palmer is one of those who could lose her teaching job. "It's pretty sad, how much they appreciate us," she said.
Teacher Julie Carrillo said, "It's getting to the point where our children aren't going to get the best of education."
Officials have said a $144 million budget shortfall forced them to make the drastic move, as the state is not giving as much as it once did to education this year. Florida Governor Rick Scott (R) said the cuts will improve education in the long run. "You hate to see people laid off," he said in an exclusive interview with 7News, a day before. "What you hope is the best people (are) people who stayed there and we improve, and as our economy improves, there are plenty of jobs."
Educators see it differently. "Budget cuts are coming from the wrong place," Carrillo said. "I don't know how 1400 teachers can be cut and we still be effective for the children."
Fourth grader Eric Wells said, "We want to keep our teachers, so that we could have a good education for our children at our school."