Florida Gov. Rick Scott: No way I'm not running for re-electionBy Adam C. Smith, Times Political Editor
In Print: Sunday, July 3, 2011
Imagine you're Gov. Rick Scott. After spending $73 million of your own money to win office, you face protesters constantly, you have little privacy and you are America's most unpopular governor.
Maybe you'd think of calling it quits after one term?
No way.
There is zero chance he won't run for a second term, Gov. Scott said in an exclusive Political Connections interview airing Sunday on Bay News 9.
"Unless my wife tells me she's dumping me, I'm running for a second term," Scott said, chuckling and recounting how much he is enjoying the job.
"I love people,'' he said repeatedly. "Some people get energized around people and ideas, policies and stuff like that. I love that stuff."
Now he's laughing in our faces.
The people of Florida may have different plan for you, Mr. Scott.
Koch brothers or no Koch brothers.