My representative (and I use that term very loosely cause he does not represent my views AT ALL.) is the guy who yesterday told a bunch of people at a town hall:
"And by the way, did I mention? They're shooting at us. If you think this job pays too much, with those kinds of risks and cutting me off from my family business, I'll just tell you: This job don't mean that much to me. I had a good life in Panama City."
Can you believe this guy? I called his Tallahassee office and told the lady on the phone that I was pretty upset that Congressman Southerland could say that his job didn't mean that much to him because it meant my life! He represents ME! She tried to tell me that it was taken out of context. I laughed and read her the entire quote. I asked, "Now, how is that taken out of context?" She didn't reply. I told her to tell the congressman if this job didn't' mean that much to him then he could just quit and that I could represent this area way better than he does! And hung up. Man I was pissed! I hope they get a lot of calls about this!