Well the right keeps saying they are the way;they claim everything the voter wants to hear as their idea and ideals- well lets exam their actions-not just their words! they claim that south carolina is the heart of "the conservative right"; they claim to be of strong faith and morals! hmmm They voted Newt in by a large margin: his track record of morals an f minus at best! he has been a deadbeat dad! sued for breech of contract -and resigned office to save face! here is some of his conservative voting record: I think voters should be studying Gingrich's voting record and what he is on record as supporting
Recently, Gingrich “reluctantly” supported TARP; is on record supporting ethanol subsidies; has long promoted an individual health-care mandate; and he is also in favor of allowing those who have entered our country illegally to remain here if they haven’t broken our laws, but entering our country illegally is not considered by Gingrich to be breaking our law
Why did Newt hook up with Clinton to give us the NAFTA which circumvents Congress’ power to regulate commerce with foreign nations and places this authority in the hands of bi-national panels, a majority of Panel members being foreigners ___ who are now making binding decisions concerning America’s commerce with Canada and Mexico? See Establishment of Bi-national Panels
Why did Newt also side with Clinton to give China, a communist government, “Most Favored Trade Status” so products produced under slave labor wages and conditions can be imported into America duty free to compete with America manufactured products, creating full employment for China while closing down America’s loyal domestic manufactures?
hmm seems morals and conservatism is merely a ruse used by the right to sucker votes!