Penelas Tries To Make Sense Of Gore Attack
Tuesday, June 8, 2004
WPLG Channel 10 News----
MIAMI -- Alex Penelas fired back Monday, a day after former Vice President Al Gore launched a full frontal verbal assault at the Miami-Dade County mayor.
Much of that criticism, Penelas said, is because Gore supports his opponent, Peter Deutsch. Gore praised Deutsch in a published report, calling him, "a standup leader for our party in difficult times such as the 2000 election recount in Florida."
"He supports Deutsch. That's what this is about. It's clear that former vice president has a right to do so, just as he supported Howard Dean. But to be vicious about it, to be mean-spirited, is hurting Democrats," Penelas said.
Some Democrats came to the defense of Penelas. Retiring U.S. Sen. Bob Graham called the mayor "a good Democrat." Meanwhile, U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson questioned Gore's decision to inject himself in the race, arguing it would hurt the party's ability to retain Graham's seat and cause a disruption in a key state for presidential candidate John Kerry.
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