Edited on Thu Nov-09-06 07:03 AM by Maraya1969
I got this from the initiative thread from the general discussions board.
Edited on Wed Nov-08-06 10:49 PM by ellenfl 1. - establish a budget commission 2. - removed from ballot 3. - requiring 60% (instead of majority) approval to pass amendments on ballot - advantage to special interests. now 41% of the electorate can defeat an amendment. 4. - use tobacco settlement money to educate kids on the dangers of smoking which is what it was supposed to be used for but our repug legislature appropriated it for other things (like lining their pockets) 5. - removed from ballot 6. - double homestead exemption (to $50,000)for low income seniors - some counties already do this but what about other low income homeowners? 7. - double homestead exemption for permanently disabled veterans who lived in florida at the time of their service - why not the other vets? 8. - eminent domain. we already had this one tied up but now the legislature can over-rule.
i voted 'no' to all of them. they all passed. with number 3, we might not have passed the minimum wage amendment in 2004 or restored the college board of regents (taking jebbie out of the equation) or limited the real estate tax assessment increase for residents or term-limited our lawmakers. oh well, i guess it's not of the people, by the people, for the people any more.
ellen fl
This is where I believe the election fraud happened. I find it incredibly hard to believe that more than 50& of the voters in this state think that an amendment needs to be passed with more than 60%. I also started thinking about what we had to do to just get the anti-pig gestation pens amendment on the ballot in the first place. There were hundreds of people all over the state gathering signatures because we needed 10%, (signatures) of the number of people who cast ballots in the last presidential election according to the amendment requirements in the constitution.
It was big business that wanted #3. I would like to know how THEY got the number of signatures that we needed to get, (it was about 750,000 that we had to get). Plus I find it hard to believe that the people would not want to keep there very own powers as citizens.
I also find it hard to believe because the commercial that was on the TV a lot before the election told people about the anti-smoking amendment and some others that the people passed and how these amendments would be so much harder to pass if THIS amendment passed.
Plus if you are looking for the computer glitch perhaps it was the state of Florida because we certainly did not seem to be in sync with the rest of the country.