We checked with the SOE's in Pasco, Hernando, Hillsborough, and Citrus counties. All of us who checked on our "missing votes" found them recorded at both our SOE's, and with the Division of Elections in Tallahassee.
We've already talked to the person at the FDP, in charge of the database, and they were aware they had flawed software, and a bad database to begin with.
We warned these idiots, and Karen Thurman in particular, to start doing something about paperless voting machines almost 2 years ago, and they chose to ignore us. It looks like they're trying to cover up their own incompetence, and failure to start the GOTV effort until 2 weeks before the general election- after early voting had started.
Not only that, but by releasing this e-mail, they've pretty much wiped out the credibility of us who've worked for several years to get voting transparency, and paper ballot in Florida.
They released this e-mail last night.
Dear Democratic Leader,
By now you have probably heard about, if not used, the Florida Democratic Party's "Is Your Vote Missing?" service on our website. In short, interested parties can input a few pieces of information into an online form. This information is electronically checked against the file from the Secretary of State (SOS). Users are then told that their vote is either recorded properly or missing from the SOS file. We designed this tool as a mechanism to raise awareness about the problems we're dealing with in the SOS voter file.
The major problem with the SOS file, which was delivered to the state legislature (as the SOS is statutorily obligated to do within 75 days of the general election), is that when totaling the voters who cast ballots according to the file, we calculate the number of voters who turned out to be 494,928 fewer than the Official Results posted on the Secretary of State website.
The root of this problem appears to lie in the SOS's coding of voters at the state level - not the county level. Each Florida voter is supposed to receive one of six codes, such A for voted absentee, N for did not vote, or E for voted early. However, 2,662,861 voters were erroneously coded with an X. A designation for this code does not appear in any official document that we could obtain, and the SOS's office could not offer us a reasonable explanation for what it means. We believe that the 494,928 missing voters are among the 2,662,861 X-coded voters, but there is no way to tell based on the SOS file.
Disturbingly, the 494,928 missing voters represent more than 10% of the voters that, according to the SOS website, cast ballots - a significant error. While this error may not be indicated on the local Supervisor of Election (SOE) file, it is in the official SOS file released to the state legislative leaders. In essence, the SOS office messed up the data of the local SOEs - and this happened statewide, with every county's data.
While I am sure that local SOEs are anxious to protect their images, they need to understand that:
1. FDP has not implicated nor accused any local SOEs of any mistakes related to this issue. This, to our knowledge, is purely an SOS problem.
2. The image of local SOEs is better maintained when the state isn't altering their data. If the SOE has a problem with the data, they need to bring it up with the SOS, not the FDP, which is simply reporting the error.
As you're aware, in order for us to do our jobs, we need good data. We don't have Republican sums of money rolling in the door allowing us to blanket voters. We have to utilize data to run smarter, more targeted operations, and we need good data to do this. That's how we elected our new members of Congress, Ron Klein and Tim Mahoney, and it's how we will ensure they are reelected in 2008. Pressuring the SOS - not your local SOE - to do its job and maintain an accurate file is our mission here.
We will continue to apply pressure to the SOS. Responses from you and your local officials, including SOEs, indicate that you are applying pressure as well.
Since we brought this problem to the attention of the SOS's office several weeks ago, there has been no respectable response. Additionally, our Communications Director has informed me that several reporters have attempted to contact the SOS - to no avail.
If you have any questions or require any further information, please feel free to get in touch with me. Until we get this problem fixed, we will be continuing to fight. I hope you will, too.
Best wishes,
Dirk Wiggins, Voter File Director Florida Democratic Party dwiggins@fladems.com (850) 222-3411