Catholic, conservative and concerned, former Florida Christian Coalition leader Pat Neal says many social conservatives are "a little disappointed" in the state's new governor and worried about the coming presidential election.
After years of the reliable social conservatism of President Bush and his brother, former Gov. Jeb Bush, self-described "values voters" wonder about the future of their agenda.
While the Bushes have been vocal supporters of banning gay marriage, appointing conservative judges, opposing gay adoptions and a host of other issues dear to social conservatives, there is a fear that all they are getting is lip service from the presidential candidates.
On the presidential front, Brett Doster, who has worked closely with Florida's social conservatives and managed campaigns for Gallagher and President Bush, believes values voters will look closely at the candidates but may not get excited about any of them.
"Politics in Florida is changing. Right now what everyone is talking about is insurance and taxes, and the social issues are not at the top of the agenda," Doster said.