The word in state politics these days is all about the possibility of ending property taxes in favor of a huge spike in sales tax — a horrific idea that would make the poor poorer and the rich richer. Naturally, the idea was proposed by the Republicans at the state house. But while the two sides of the tax reform debate were lobbing salvos at each other, a couple stories passed under the radar.
But enough of that. On to the reason behind the title of this blog entry. Gov. Charlie Crist has said he may sign an executive order restoring voting rights to ex-cons. Now, that tears it. When Charlie Crist spurned George W. Bush, I applauded. When he similarly took brother Jeb out to the woodshed, I stood up and cheered. When he then went on to propose funding stem cell research and scrapping paperless voting machines, I damn near fainted. And when he suggested that the GOP shouldn't be backing anti-gay marriage bans, I proposed marriage.
But now, it seems obvious that Crist isn't the greatest Republican in Florida. He's just a clever Democratic mole. Restoring voting rights to ex-cons means more votes for Dems. It's not that Democrats are more likely to commit crimes — I actually haven't seen a study that correlates crime with party registration, but I doubt there is any. But, there is a similarly painful fact involved — minorities are more likely to be in jail, and minorities are more likely to vote Democratic. Not that I think minorities are more likely to commit crimes, but the numbers speak for themselves. Jailed minorities, of course, are more the result of institutional racism and class stratification than any propensity for violence, but the fact remains that giving ex-cons the vote will help Democrats far more than it will Republicans. So, g'head, Big Slick. Restore those voting rights. Because if you do, the Dems pick up Florida in 2008.