Recieved this yesterday.
We are contacting you because Senator Martinez, from your home state, is a key vote in the battle for the restoration of one of our most cherished constitutional rights - the right of habeas corpus. We need you to call Senator Martinez today and demand that he support the Habeas Corpus Restoration Act.
Senator Martinez (202) 224-3041 (scroll down for talking points)
For the past five years, the Bush administration has attacked the principle that the detainees at Guantánamo Bay have the right to challenge their detention. After the Supreme Court twice recognized that the men have a right to challenge their detention through habeas corpus, the Bush Administration tried to strip away this right with the Military Commissions Act of 2006 (MCA). The Specter-Leahy Amendment to the 9/11 Commissions bill -also known as the Habeas Corpus Restoration Act - would restore this fundamental right. It may be voted on as soon as today, and your senator has been identified as an extremely critical swing vote. Senator Martinez (202) 224-3041 (scroll down for talking points)
The movement to restore and preserve our constitutional rights must continue to be waged in the courts. CCR is continuing to press ahead with our case Al Odah v. United States and its companion case Boumediene v. Bush that challenge the MCA on legal grounds. We need a firm ruling from the Supreme Court to ensure that these fundamental rights will be safe in the future. But we must seek a legislative solution as well to begin to achieve justice swiftly for the many who have been denied it by the MCA's provisions. While the Specter-Leahy amendment does not repair all of the damage done by the MCA, it is a critical step in the right direction.
Senator Martinez (202) 224-3041
Here are some helpful talking points to use during your call:
-Habeas corpus is one of the most fundamental rights enshrined in U.S. law and the Constitution - the right to challenge one's detention in a court of law.
- While the Habeas Corpus Restoration Act doesn't address all of the damage done by the MCA, it is a necessary and positive step.
- It is the right of habeas corpus that protects us all from being held on the whim of the President, and that ensures our access to the courts if detained.
- For decades other countries have looked to our example in protecting individual and human rights, and the stripping of habeas corpus threatens our country's status as a defender of human rights. - Everyone deserves a day in court
In light of the Bush administration's continued violations of basic constitutional rights, it is more important than ever that your voice is heard. Let Senator Martinez know that you want America to respect the rule of law. Urge your Senator to support the Habeas Corpus Restoration Act (Specter-Leahy amendment) !
Vince Warren Executive Director