Big Pine Key, Florida
RSVP Peace Vigil
10:00 am
Weekly Event
Peace Vigils Big Pine Key, Florida: Saturdays and Sundays, 10-11am; Big Pine Key traffic light, mm 31, U.S. Highway 1;
coordinated by Grandmothers for Peace, and Florida Keys Peace Alliance Key West, Florida: Wednesdays, 5-6pm;
corner of Truman & White Streets, sponsored by Key West Friends Worship Group (Quakers) Sundays, 1-2pm;
corner of Duval & Eaton Streets, sponsored by Florida Keys Peace Alliance Individuals and peace groups
are invited to stand for peace in Big Pine Key, Florida, mile marker 31, U.S.Highway 1.
Daytona Beach, Florida
RSVP Four Years and No End In Sight! Shame on You, George Bush!
Monday, March 19th 2007 6:00pm
Come to show your support for our troops and respect for our fallen soldiers.
Please bring signs, banners, American Flags and candles.
4 years is too long - we need to end the occupation of Iraq!
Doral, Florida
RSVP Basta Ya! Enough Already!
Monday, March 19th 2007 7:00 a.m.
Rally on the sidewalk near the U.S. Southern Command
to demand U.S. Out of Iraq Now; cut off the funds & end the war.
Some will wear orange jumpsuits to remind of the Guantanamo prison camp.
We will also have visuals based on CODEPINK's "walk in their shoes" campaign.
Fort Myers, Florida
RSVP Operation Last Anniversary
Saturday, March 17th 2007 3:00 pm ET
Walk begins at the Edwards Building (Fort Myers Alliance for the Arts) at Colonial
and McGregor Blvds and moves east along Colonial to the intersection of Colonial and Rt. 41.
Those unable to join in the three-quarter mile walk may join us at Colonial and 41 at 4:00pm.
Bring signs (or use ours), banners, drums, etc.
If you can't participate in the National March on the Pentagon in Washington D.C. today,
then join us in Fort Myers. You can make a difference.
RSVP Candlelight Vigil for Peace
Monday, March 19th 2007 7:30 pm ET
Gather with us on the fourth (and hopefully last) anniversary of the beginning
of hostilities in Iraq to share inspirational messages for peace.
Bring a candle (or use ours).
Jacksonville, Florida
RSVP Veterans for Peace Mayport BaseVigil
Thursday, March 22nd 2007 TBA
This vigil is part of Veterans Caravan to the Gulf Coast.
Goal of engaging local military in discussion: Signers of Appeal for Redress will be present;
GI Rights cards, copies of Sir, No Sir! and The Ground Truth will be distributed.
Lakeland, Florida
RSVP End the War in Iraq
Saturday, March 17th 2007 1:00pm
In coordination with events nationwide, demonstrating to urge support
for the immediate withdrawal of US military from Iraq.
Melbourne, Florida
RSVP March For Peace And Justice
Saturday, March 17th 2007 4pm
March begins at the "Peace Corner" 1700 West New Haven Ave.
(NE corner of U.S. 192 and Evans Blvd.) Melbourne Florida.
Miami, Florida
RSVP Enough is enough!
Saturday, March 17th 2007 11:00 am
Gather in downtown Miami and make your voices heard:
Enough death, enough waste. We must end the war now!
Miami Beach, Florida
RSVP VIGIL on the 4th Anniversary of War in Iraq
Monday, March 19th 2007 4:00 p.m.
VIGIL on the 4th Anniversary of War in Iraq: holding signs,
distributing fliers, and petitioning.
Naples, Florida
RSVP 4th Anniversary Iraq War Peace Rally
Saturday, March 17th 2007 4:30 p.m.
This is a street peace demonstration.
RSVP Free Film Screenings
Saturday, March 17th 2007 1:30 p.m.
1:30 p.m. - "Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear & the Selling of American Empire" (2004)
- 1 hr. Brilliant analysis of events beginning with 9/11 and culminating in the Iraq War,
appearances by Noam Chomsky, Media Benjamin, Chalmers Johnson, Scott Ritter, Karen Kwiatkowski,
RSVP Stop Sacrificing Our Soldiers
Weekly Event
Every Friday from 4:30 to 5:30pm
Hundreds of Events Nationwide Reject Escalation & Urge Responsible Redeployment
of American Troops Naples On Sunday March 18th.
North Miami, Florida
RSVP Candlelight Vigil for the 4th Anniversary of the U.S. Invasion of Iraq
Monday, March 19th 2007 7:30 p.m.
A solemn vigil to remember the anniversary of the preemptive attack on Iraq,
which has now resulted in the deaths of at least 500,000 people.
"Now it is we Americans who are living in infamy" - Arthur Schlesinger
Orlando, Florida
RSVP The Search for Peace "Teach In"
Saturday, March 17th 2007 02:00
The Social Outreach Committee of
The First Unitarian Church of Orlando calls to our community
for an open discussion about The Way to Peace.
RSVP Bring Our Troops Home Now Protest / Vigil
Monday, March 19th 2007 05:00
Join us as we honor our troops and sound a call to bring them home
on this unfortunate 4th anniversary.
RSVP End the Occupation!
Monday, March 19th 2007 4:30
On March 19th, 2007 many local Orlando groups will be staging a demonstration
at the Lake Eola Amphitheatre.
There will be a rally to gather enthusiasm as we listen to prominent speakers
and organize to march. Part of the campaign is to march to the local representatives
offices' to present petitions and letters that have been prepared in order to demand
that the war in Iraq be de-funded, and to stop aggression toward Iran.
There should be a large turnout and everyone is welcome to come participate
in a peaceful but powerful demonstration to END THE WAR IN IRAQ!
This is 4 years to many, bring our soldiers home!
Pensacola, Florida
RSVP Rally to End the War
Saturday, March 17th 2007 12 Noon
Rally to End the War in Iraq. Bring posters, bring friends.
Support the Troops. Bring them Home Now.
Sarasota, Florida
RSVP Rally for Peace: Remembering 4 Years of the War in Iraq
Saturday, March 17th 2007 1:00PM
Music, drumming, speakers, exhibits, tables
St. Augustine, Florida
RSVP PEACE SURGE/Protest & March
Saturday, March 17th 2007 10am
Meet at 10 for the protest.
Bring your friends, signs, musical instruments.
March with Peace Fairy, and giant Peace Dove...street drama, also!
St. Petersburg, Florida
RSVP Rally and March Against War
Saturday, March 17th 2007 4 PM
Enough is enough!
Free concert, rally and march against the war for the fourth anniversary.
RSVP Rally and March/End the War in Iraq
Saturday, March 17th 2007 4:00pm
Bands from 4-7pm:
Odon Soterias (Irish Celtic), Glen Clark & The Family (Hippie Jam),
Vincere(Folk Punk), Slow Belly (Old School Punk).
Drum Circle by Giving Tree Music - drums will be provided or you can bring your own (7:00-7:45pm).
March & Protest from 7:45-9:00pm. Tabling: 4:00-7:45pm.
Tallahassee, Florida
RSVP Luminary Memorial
Monday, March 19th 2007 7 p.m.
Our group, "Tallahasseans Who Believe It's Time To Come Home," will light almost 3,500 luminaries
at Lake Ella in Tallahassee, Fla. to commemorate the coalition soldiers who have died in Iraq up until this date-
the 4th anniversary of the war- while protesting continued troop activity.
We encourage the community to come out and walk around the lake and reflect on the war and the continued loss of lives.
RSVP Eternal Peace Vigil
Weekly Event
Every Sunday of every week. Not in the rain, nor Thanksgiving, Christmas, nor SOAW Weekend
Join us Sundays 12:30-2:30 in front of the Old Capitol, corner of Apalachee Parkway and South Monroe Street.
Park off Calhoun behind the flag.
West Palm Beach, Florida
RSVP Arlington West Palm- Honoring the U.S. troops fallen in Iraq
Sunday, March 18th 2007 8 A.M.
Citizens of Palm Beach County will commemorate the 4th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq
by holding a memorial for the more than 3,100 U.S. troops who have perished there.
The human cost will be represented by replica headstones bearing the names of the fallen.
1 p.m. Ceremonial Reading of the Names; 7:30 p.m. Candlelight Vigil.
More detailed Info: