Recently in District 34, in a county so red that the Democratic contenders are usually either clueless or plants, there was a primary run-off between two Republican candidates. The Republican party spent over $150,000 on a small local race, just to elect the Republican candidate who was a developer. The Republican voters are livid that their donated money would be spent on a local primary race and the decision taken out of their hands. The contender lost by a small margin, which means, the $150,000 made all the difference.
This is why we'll never win. The real estate industry is far too ingrained in this state. Not even Republican voters can stop it.
Here's a sample of their e-mails:
----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Friday October 26, 2007 9:32 AM
How come nobody has figured out what happened in that District 34 race you had articles on concerning the different candidates? The republican party pulled an unspeakable act with those two candidates in that both were republican. They threw all their money in to defeat a member of their own party who probably would have won if they had kept their money laundering hands out of the race. That Dorworth guy got over $150,000 -- mostly from the republican political group.
I'm a republican who gives not only to the national committee, but also on a local level. No more! I know you guys are probably far right in your leanings, and probably will disregard this email, but me and my friends have had enough of these blasted political machines (you writings), and we are voting against that same lousy machine.
I've long supported some of your views on your website, but you can count me out as a reader of your future leaning articles. The republican party ought to be ashamed.
Put this on your website --- if you've got the guts.
An ex-supporter and website visitor!
----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Friday October 26, 2007 1:27 PM
Hi. I don't live in District 34, but I've been following the race closely. I know that many of my Republican friends were very disappointed that Allen Roosa was narrowly defeated in the October 9th primary by Chris Dorworth. I also know that many former Roosa supporters are reluctant to cast a vote for Chris Dorworth, and for good reason. Chris Dorworth, who was elected to the Soil & Water Board in 2006 (but who opened his bank account for the District 34 House Seat in 2005) is a developer and to many, a political opportunist. He spent nearly $160,000 in the primary alone, and is spending more in the general election. There's also concern that Mr. Dorworth may have used his influence on a local planning board to his personal financial benefit.
You may be looking forward to voting for Chris Dorworth for these reasons or for reasons of your own.
But on Election Day, you do have a choice.
<Snipped remainder of e-mail for a candidate who lost.>
----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Thursday October 25, 2007 11:09 PM
I know many Republicans who won't be voting in the November 6th special election to replace Dave Mealor in District 34, or else they will cross party lines and support the Democrat, Stephen Bacallao. As a developer, Chris Dorworth cannot be trusted to do what is right for our families and neighborhoods -- he'll always think first of what's good for his own personal interests. Why else would he spend nearly $100 grand for a part-time job? The writing on the wall is clear: we don't need another developer making decisions about our schools, land, roads, water use, etc. I am supporting Stephen Bacallao for District 34