Mary Squires is on the State Committee, as are 2 or 3 other grassroots advocates.
The party here has been run forever from the backrooms to the exclusion of grassroots efforts. We can't make the same mistake- we need both. Building the base, getting the message out, and turning out the vote, will happen largely due to people in the streets, going door to door, talking to voters, and LISTENING. TV ads have their place, backroom deals are fine if they work out, but we need people with shoes too.
The Christian Coalition does the repub street level work through their churches; what do we have? Right now, not much. The Northeast has the unions, but down here we need community activists who will go to the community meetings, write the letters to the papers, drag the elected officials around, and organize their own neighborhood.
Like Goldwater's loss in '64 for the 'Pubs, we Dems have basically hit the bottom in 2004. But now there is new blood, new energy, and perhaps a bit of a new direction coming. Get involved! Find a way to make a difference!
If not now, when? If not you, who?