before "Sparky"
Before "GITMO" or being "Gitmo'd"
We had a quaint little school turning out future Junta leaders, death squad SWAT teams... Yeah right here in little o'l Georgia..
Join us in Columbus, demand the school be closed..
Speak Out for Justice, Peace and Accountability
Take a Stand Against The Racist System of Military Repression, Violence and Domination
On November 18-20, 2005 thousands will gather at Fort Benning, Georgia -- one of the largest military bases in the world and home of the notorious School of the Americas (SOA/ WHINSEC) -- to confront injustice, to speak out for truth and to change oppressive US foreign policy.
This is a very important year to come to the vigil and this year is different than other years. Due to the fact that we will have a vote this spring or summer to close the school, we need to have a stronger presence at the gates of Fort Benning than ever before to send a powerful message to Congress to close the school. This is the year we need you to be with us.