Hypocritical GOP Engages in Naked Power Grab
http://www.georgiaparty.com/newsroom/pressRelease.asp?pressID=149Perdue, Johnson take hypocrisy to new level
(Atlanta) Today, Georgia Republicans engaged in a brazen political power grab to protect a State Senate seat they must believe they would otherwise be certain to lose this year. Republicans are drawing State Rep. Jane Kidd out of a district that she is poised to win.
“We all know what’s happening here,” said Rep. Kidd as reported by Capitol Impact. “This is the kind of political gerrymandering that Gov. Perdue railed about when it was done by another administration. Friends, these folks are in need of a civics lesson.”
“Gov. Sonny Perdue and State Senate President Pro Tempore Eric Johnson are taking hypocrisy to a new level by leading such a blatant power grab,” said Emil Runge, spokesman of the Democratic Party of Georgia.
As a reminder, below is a list of quotes for Gov. Perdue and Sen. Johnson made during Georgia’s 2001 redistricting.
“’Today, the people of Georgia lost’ said Perdue. ‘Their interests were sacrificed on an altar of partisan preservation and power. And it is a sad day.’” (Macon Telegraph, 8/11/01)
“Perdue, R-Bonaire, took the Senate well to deliver a lengthy, impassioned denunciation of the Senate's redistricting process. Styling his remarks in the form of a prosecutor's argument -- and making literary allusions that ranged from Shakespeare to Thomas Paine -- he accused his Democratic colleagues of political murder and rape. ‘The spirit and soul of this body has been poisoned by a meanness that is Brutus-like,’ he said. ‘Not in word, as we smile our pleasantries at one another. All the while we thrust the dagger in the rib cage and say, 'I'm sorry.'’ Although the Senate was preparing Friday to vote on a congressional map, Perdue focused on the Senate district map, approved last month, which throws 10 incumbent Republican senators into districts where they would face each other or a strong Democrat for re-election. ‘On Aug. 17 you sat in this body and participated in an event I'm going to label a crime against Georgia and a crime against your colleagues,’ he said.” (Perdue in Macon Telegraph, 9/8/01)
“’The spirit and soul of this body has been poisoned by a meanness that is Brutus-like,’ said Sen. Sonny Perdue, R-Bonaire. ‘This is not just partisan and political. It's mean and hateful.’” (Chattanooga Times/Chattanooga Free Press, 9/8/01)
“’I think in the light of last week's tragedy, the only agenda here in the statehouse of Georgia was Democratic performance. I think it's tragic, I think it's disgusting and I think the people of Georgia believe and feel that way,’ Perdue said.” (Macon Telegraph, 9/23/01)
“'Georgians will not be used as political pawns by arrogant politicians,' said Senate Republican Leader Eric Johnson of Savannah.”
“In the Senate plan, said, ‘Georgia has been sliced and diced like a co-ed in a 'Halloween' movie.’ With the new congressional map, he said, ‘These districts crawl all over Georgia like kudzu.’”