The area you are talking about you might be called token, that's what I was called when I lived in the Lakewood neighborhood of Atlanta. Wow, that's a lot of bedrooms for a single guy! www.coldwellbankeratlanta.com is one of my favorite websites. If you are serious I can put you in touch with the woman who helped us sell and find our house. The area you are talking about is mostly 50's, 60's, and 70's style homes with a few mcmansions thrown in for fun. Lots of split level ranches, ranches, and tri-levels. Where I live now we have to drive almost everywhere. There is a bus line nearby but mass transit here is a joke compared to NYC. You will have to drive, there is no getting around that. Cynthia McKinney is our rep, cool, huh? It is a blue area with a diverse mix of people, we have a kick ass farmers market nearby. www.dekalbfarmersmarket.com Best of all, as Bart Simpson once said, Atlanta Braves baseball. No, I kid there is a lot more here. Don't get your hopes up for finding a nice 4+ bedroom home for under 200k, if you do find one it will need some work or not be in the best neighborhood. Just my opinion, though. You can always check out the city of Atlanta's website: www.atlantaga.gov or www.co.dekalb.ga.us/ dekalb county's website. I hope I have answered a few of your questions. Let me know any others. Mr. Martin Bong