I don't want any more Matthew Shepards, either. If I thought letting some homophobe kill me would actually further the cause, I'd consider offering myself up as a martyr -- but, frankly, I know it won't work.
Besides, it's already ugly out there, and no one cares -- not about the gay-bashings, not about the murders (I think it was in Dallas, a few years ago, that the cops paid about as much attention to the serial killings of gay men as they would to the serial killings of prostitutes), the unbelievably frequent murders of TGs... My God, if pretty, young, straight white girls were the targets of unceasing violence the way gay people are, there'd be nothing else on Fux News all day long.
But it's right out there in the news nearly every day, and yet it means nothing to the majority of Americans. They even make movies about it. (Do you think Bubba TIVO'd the Gwen Araujo TV-movie this month? I doubt it.)
What's the answer? Riot? I'm out -- that kind of direct action is against my core beliefs. And, besides, even if every LGBTQI man, woman, child, and all our allies took to the streets at once, there wouldn't be enough of us to make a difference.
As for the civil rights movement, black people had the distinct advantage of the irrefutable argument that they were born black. And here we are, still back at square one, trying to make people understand we were born gay, too.
Sorry for the downer reply, but yeah, I am very discouraged. Being poor sucks when you live next door to John D. Rockefeller, and you can hear the parties every night, but you know you'll never be invited.
Btw, welcome to DU.