Edited on Fri Oct-06-06 02:51 PM by Jose Diablo
I'd call the turn-out light, maybe 4000, but I am not good at estimating crowd size. I'd say the turn-out was about the same as a large HS football game, that's my estimate of turn-out.
We marched east from Woodruff park, crossed the street about 3 blocks away and continued another block. turned south and went down to Georgia state univ, then west.
The traffic was blocked by marchers, and then the police on horseback began to direct traffic allowing marchers the right of way. The rest of the march was escourted by the police. Many in the cars voiced approval, thumbs-up, honked to approve, I'd say most observers don't like Bu$h anymore than we did.
We marched around the campus, passing out lit, a few students joined in.
We marched west about 3-4 blocks and turned north. I forget the names of the roads, but generally we were bracketing Peachtree street, repeatly crossing Peachtree (the main drag in Atlanta).
Strange, the further we went, the larger the crowd. All I saw from observers was cheering us on. People are really POed with Bu$h.
We picked-up more police escorts about 3/4th through the course. After a few turns, circling around in a court by the MARTA station, we ended-up traveling east again and that took-us back to Wodruff park.
I think what's noteworthy, is the observers. I didn't see any frowns, a lot of cheering.
The police were respectful, mostly they didn't favor or reject the reasons for the march, but I saw many smiles and I think the police are personally on our side on this Bu$h deal. They would be as happy as we would be if a legal way can be found to bounce him out on his ear. As long as the protests remain peaceful, we have nothing to fear from the police. JMO.