(I was going to write "AJC LTE" but it just seemed too darn cute.)
as archived here, but I read it in today's print edition:
Hillary Clinton faces heat; now fuss begins
Jonathan Tilove ("Clinton faces surge of misogyny," @issue, Dec. 4) expresses appropriate indignation at the vitriol aimed at Sen. Hillary Clinton. Names, such as "bitch" and worse, thrown about reveal more about the writers' lack of depth and argumentative skills than about the targets of attacks.
It's amusing, though, to see columnists and opinion writers just now discovering the vitriol and hate speech expressed daily on the Web. For several years sites such as Democratic Underground, The Daily Kos, and MoveOn.org have established new lows in intelligent conversation. I can only guess that as long as President Bush, Dick Cheney, John Ashcroft, Alberto Gonzales, Ann Coulter and Gen. David Petraeus were being vilified, the left had no problem with intemperate speech. It was only when their ox was being gored that they noticed.
Wonder how many times "Johney" has been tombstoned?