What is good about diverting money ostensibly collected for education to private development projects??? Surely there is a better way to finance the Beltway.
Creative Loafing readers:
RE: Amendment 2: The Beltline's best shot
Posted by Dave Walker on 10.18.08 @ 12:51 AM
First of all, all Georgia taxpayers with any sense should vote "No" on Amendment No. 2. This is nothing but a corporate welfare handout and bailout sham for weak and inexperienced developers....
RE: Amendment 2: The Beltline's best shot
Posted by Georgians for Quality Development on 10.17.08 @ 11:47 PM
The Atlanta Journal Constitution editorial board is officially on record supporting the Supreme Court's decision last February declaring that educational tax dollars should not be diverted to subsidize private development*.
Amendment No. 2 would have the effect of overruling the Georgia Supreme Court on this very important issue.
Given the shrinking educational budgets faced by school systems all across the State, this is no time to allow a corporate welfare bailout for developers at the expense of the education of our children.
Our property taxes are high as it is. Passage of this Amendment would only raise taxes even more. If we are going to be taxed for public educational purposes, then that money must be used for education, not for private development!
Please also be aware that the Georgia Association of Educators, the leading advocacy group for public education in the State of Georgia with over 40,000 members, has taken an official position against Amendment No. 2, because of the negative impact it would have on public education in the State of Georgia. (See link below)
Again, more reason to vote "No" against Amendment No. 2 on November 4.
Please pass this information to at least 50 friends, colleagues and fellow parents, so that the word will spread all across Georgia about this very important issue.