's Secretary of State Promotes Voter Challenges and Refuses to Extend Early Voting Hours
By Kate Klonick - November 1, 2008, 5:04PM
Add Georgia to the list of states where Republican officials are actively engaged in voter suppression efforts.
more at link above
reply to article:
"n the article, it says, "As first noted by the blog, Facing South, in an interview Wednesday with the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Handel took pains to remind voters that any voter can challenge another's qualifications to cast a ballot by notifying a precinct poll manager. According to Handel, that voter then would be given a challenge ballot and would have to go before the election board."
Well, hmm, how about a few thousand Georgia voters challenge Ms. Handel's right to vote, based on the fact that she's committing a crime (by using voter-suppression tactics). Then, according to her own words, she'd have to use a challenge ballot and go before the election board."
please spread the word if you know anyone who can challenge her right to vote!