Ultimately, it sounds like you were not injured. If I offer to do work for you for $1 million, and another person offers to do the same work for $1,000.00, neither of us has done anything wrong. People are free to contract. You wisely chose to get a second opinion and chose the cheaper option. That's your choice, and it's not the fault of the person who quoted you the higher price that you did not like the price they quoted. They did nothing wrong (as far as I know) in quoting you a higher price, though they might be liable to you in fraud if they used their expertise to fleece you. Because you were not fleeced, however, no fraud was committed.
Now, I have no love for Pep Boys, and I'm an attorney and not a mechanic, but I have had a timing belt replaced on a car once by a mechanic I trusted, and that mechanic advised replacing a lot of parts (even though they were not broken) while the engine was ripped apart replacing the timing belt. It's the labor, and not the parts, that are truly expensive, and it might make sense to replace worn (but not-yet-broken) parts while the engine is torn apart. I remember I replaced my water pump, for example. It's a cheap part, but it's very had to access. Might as well replace it while replacing the timing belt. You've got to rip the engine apart, regardless.
In any event, I hear that you're upset, but legally, "almost being fleeced" doesn't count. You actually have to be fleeced before I would be willing to take your case.