Cathy Cox was the main cause of the defeat our bill, SB 500, this past spring that would have given us voter verified paper audit trail for the Diebold voting system in GA. I personally witnessed the SOS’s Elections Division staff including director Kathy Rogers and/or Cox in person, giving misleading information to the Georgia State Assembly members and the public and the Senate State and Local Governmental Operations committee meetings on 2/26/04, 3/4/04, and 3/11/04. They said:
1) That there is currently no technology to produce VVPT (SLOGO committee meeting on 2/26/04).
Activists at this meeting had to inform the committee that this technology not only exists but is certified by NASED. Two vendors with the technology, TruVote and Avante, demonstrated their technology for the SLOGO committee meeting on 3/4/04 at which time, the SOS remembered that she had known of TruVote technology since the SOS was conducting the RFP before they purchased the Diebold systems;
2) Long lines at the polls “associated with poll workers addressing toner and paper jams and refills on printers,” spoiled ballots that don’t corresponding to the GEMS digital record. (SLOGO committee meeting on 2/26/04 and the SOS document “Security Features of Georgia’s Electronic Voting System”);
The SOS indicated that she was aware of TruVote technology (3/4/04), yet her elections’ officials did not know that the technology available, thermal printing, which is used extensively throughout banking and commerce worldwide, has no problems that would create poll delays (it doesn’t use toner, rolls can be ordered to the size of the ballots and expected numbers of voters, and the paper doesn’t jam according to spokespeople at Walmart who use the technology to print millions of sales receipts annually). Available printing technology also includes an auditing system for “spoiled ballots”.
3) The technology to produce VVPT is not: a) certified by NASED (3/4/04); and when proved wrong, not qualified to ‘02 VSS (SLOGO committee meetings on (3/11/04).
a) TruVote and Avante voting systems are qualified to ’90 VSS by NASED as was Diebold at the time. Staff at the FEC stated on 3/12/04 that Diebold is in the process of qualifying their voting system to ’02 VSS.
4) That VVPT would disenfranchise disabled voters (SLOGO committee meetings on 2/27/04, 3/4/04 and 3/11/04).
The technology to produce VVPT in no way disenfranchises disabled voters. Voters who are blind can use the earphones and special touch key pad provided with the current Diebold system which includes an audio program that takes voters all the way through their selections, including “reading” what appears on the paper copy of their ballot (the VVPT).
Not to mention the fact that Cathy Cox's testimonial along with the Ga State Seal are being used as advertisement on Diebold Election System's website: We must get Cox out of office. She's Georgia's version of Kathleen Harris only she's a Democrat!! Rumors are that she plans to run for governor and has the support of the Ga Dem Party.