After all, the definition of an island is a body of land entirely surrounded by water... But how would the Ile d'Orleans fare as a Hawaiian island? Let's see:
* History under monarchy before being annexed to the U.S. against its will: Check.
* Crappy public education and woefully underpaid cops: Check.
* Common supermarket items that are impossible to find anywhere else (beignet mix): Check.
* Palm trees: Check.
* Disdain for boring directions such as "north" and "east" (theirs are: river and lake = makai and mauka, uptown and downtown = 'Ewa and DH): Check.
* Unique culture and way of life that, while at first incomprehensible to outsiders, has atrracted devotees from around the world: Check and double check!
I say we go for it! For one, we would be able to get there for the price of an interisland flight: about $80 each way, with service every hour or so on each airline, and connections available to the rest of the mainland. Plus, we would finally have legalized gambling, and even (if we hurry) pro sports! "Who Dat?" sounds kinda local, yah?