Is there any way we could get Judge Gillmor to preside over DeLay's trial??!! newspaper and television journalist Dalton Tanonaka will spend three months in prison followed by three months under house arrest for lying about money he received during his failed campaigns for lieutenant governor and Congress...
"I accept the sentence that was handed down," Tanonaka said after the sentencing. "I will continue to contribute to the community in ways I can in the future."Like what? Picking up trash alongside Likelike Highway while wearing an orange jumpsuit?
During the sentencing, U.S. District Court Judge Helen Gillmor said when someone abuses the trust and integrity of the public election process, it has to be treated seriously. "If we do not have a reaction appropriate to that, we do damage to the institution, to the public trust," she said....
One month after he entered into the consulting agreement with K.D., Tanonaka sent an e-mail to Gov. Linda Lingle describing harvesting as a new source of jobs in Hawaii and offered to set up a meeting between the governor and company officials, Tong said. In the e-mail Tanonaka claimed to have no financial interest in the logging, he said.Ooooh! Could Lingle be 'okole-deep in this as she is in Foxgate, Harbingate, etc.? Pass the popcorn... :popcorn:
edit: DeLay; he's no "laty" :-)