Not In Our Name-Hawai`i Newsletter
November 17, 2005
1. UH Faculty Senate votes to dump UARC.
2. First Woman GI Resister to Speak at SOA Protest
3. Cindy Sheehan Goes to Court.
4. World Can't Wait serves notice that Bush MUST STEP DOWN
5. NION-Hawai`i meeting changes
6. Community Events
UH Faculty Senate votes to dump UARC!
Classroom 2 at UH-Law School was packed to capacity. The atmosphere in the room was tense as two resolutions were debated -- one against the UARC proposal, and one to provisionally accept UARC if a number of changes were made to the contract. After two hours of discussion the faculty voted 31-18 to dump UARC! Resolutions, a current press statement, and media reports on the decision are on the Stop UARC website at: UARC.
Throughout the debate, faculty raised serious concerns about the proposed UH-Navy contract (a contract between the Navy and the University that would require UH faculty to carry out task orders for research from the Navy). Foremost among them was whether UARC, with its classified research and "task orders" for military projects, was consistent with UH's moral and ethical values and educational goals. The faculty's decision is unequivocal.
The decision will immediately be sent to Chancellor Konan (who was present at the Senate meeting), UH Interim President McClain, and the Board of Regents. Chancellor Konan has represented that she has an open mind, and that she has been waiting for the faculty decision before sending her recommendation to the Board of Regents.
The Faculty Senate vote against UARC is an enormous victory but the battle isn't over. Disgruntled UARC proponents may yet demand further consideration. McClain and the Board of Regents are not technically bound by this decision. However, if they choose to go against it, the BOR and the administration should expect to face enormous opposition. Not only would they be bullying and strong-arming the adoption of UARC; they would be undermining the credibility of the Faculty Senate itself.
The movement against UARC began in earnest this past Spring, culminating in a sit-in at Bachman Hall as the semester ended. Throughout the summer, and then into the Fall, the coalition combed through the contract, read and studied reports, and compiled and disseminated information and concerns about UARC. It has been a long and difficult process. Student and faculty activists' studies have been disrupted as they have spent long hours strategizing, producing materials, and talking to their peers, neighborhood boards, and in classes. Epithets have been hurled at them by UARC proponents, who have labeled them "childish", "simple-minded", "ignorant nay-sayers", "unpatriotic" and have jeeringly told them that opposition to UARC is hopeless. In spite of this, they have continued their campaign to educate the faculty, students, and community about the dangers of the UARC.
NION-Hawai`i sends a heart-felt congratulations to the Stop UARC Coalition on a job well-done thus far, as well as strong assurance that NION-Hawai`i will continue to support them in the next phase to make sure that UARC proposal is finally dumped.
First Woman GI Resister Speaks Out at SOA Protest
This weekend thousands of people are traveling to Fort Benning, Georgia to demand that the School of Americas (also called the "School of the Assassins") be shut down. For more info go to SOA.
Today Army SPC Katherine Jashinski became the first woman active-duty GI resister to publically speak out against the war at a press conference held at the Fort Benning gate. Read her statement at: Jashinski Katherine has been pursuing consciencious objector status for 20 months; she is now being ordered to pick up her gun and report for deployment to Iraq. She needs our support!
Cindy Sheehan goes to Court
Ever wonder what happened to the 300+ demonstrators who were arrested at the White House protest on September 26? Most paid the citation for demonstrating without a permit. However, Cindy Sheehan and 26 others plead "not guilty", arguing that they were not demonstrating but only petitioning the government and exercising their first amendment rights. Their trial happened this week.
After a 2-day trial, Sheehan and 26 other defendants were convicted of a misdemeanor and ordered to pay $50.25 each. Sheehan's attorney says he will appeal.
In the meantime, Sheehan has announced that she will be spending Thanksgiving outside the gates of Bush's Crawford, Texas ranch to continue her demand for a one-on-one meeting with Bush (who will be spending Thanksgiving at his ranch). Sheehan will be joined by many others.
The decision to appeal the decision is an important one, and is an attempt to protect (and expand) the rights of people to exercise First Amendment rights during a time when the government is making enormous efforts to silent dissent.
World Can't Wait Movement Plans
The World Can't Wait movement was successfully launched on November 2nd, and plans are now being made to drown out Bush's January State of the Union message with protest. A National Meeting is being held in NYC this week, where more concrete plans will be made. Not In Our Name is one of the organizational supporters of this movement, and we urge you to check the World Can't Wait website regularly at WCW. The website is updated daily (including "Today's Reason to Drive Out the Bush Regime").
NION-Hawai`i Meetings
For the past three years, NION has been meeting weekly to strategize and plan. We are a small core that works well together, and relates to a broader "core" that comes to the meetings less frequently but continues to contribute to the overall planning and decision-making. We now have sub-committees taking up various issues and are working with numerous organizations. We will have a contingent in the MLK Day Parade in January, and will be joining demonstrations demanding that Bush Step Down during Bush's State of the Union Address.
We will not be holding weekly meetings over the holidays, but will hold a larger public meeting on Thursday evening, December 8th. We intend this to be a discussion of NION-Hawai`i's plans, as well as a meeting to provide people with reports on what's happening from some of the anti-war/anti-militarization groups NION supports. Time and place will be announced. We intend to hold these more public exchanges on the 2nd Thursday of each month thereafter. Mark your calendar!
Other Community Events:
Friday, November 18: A benefit for the Women of Juarez.
Richardson School of Law, 6:30-11:30 pm
More than 350 women in Juarez (just below the Texas/Mexico border) have been murdered. Mexican authorities have failed to act. $10 presale; $15 at the door. Proceeds go to Casa Amiga, a rape crisis center in Juarez. For info:
Saturday, November 19: The Wal-Mart Movie, 1:30 pm
Olelo-Palolo (Take Palolo Ave about 1 mile into the valley to Jarrett Middle School; turn right at the Jarrett sign and go to the Olelo Studio - in the school, near the huge tree and cafeteria). The movie is free and open to the public. There will be a roundtable discussion at 3:30 pm with Jennifer Cynn, Esq. (Counsel for Local 5), Prof Mari Matsuda (UHM-Law School/Georgetown U), and Ruth Hsu (UHM-English Dept). For info:
Tuesday, Nov 29: Re:Verses at the Arts and Mark's Garage.
An evening of poetry and poetry slam - and the unexpected. $5
Thursday, Dec 1: Celebration of Human Rights Day
Commemoration for Rosa Parks & 50th Anniv of the Montgomery Bus Boycott
Featuring the film: "Rosa Parks Story"
Church of the Crossroads, 7 pm
Sponsored by the MLK Jr Coalition, UN Assn-Hawai`i, and many more
Thursday, Dec 1: First Thursday Poetry Slam at Hawaiian Hut (Ala Moana Hotel). $5